Chicken wangggs and Eggplant fries

With the holidays coming to an end and finally all the sweets out of my house (The cookie monster is my alter-ego) we are now fighting these cravings all over again!! Just remember they will pass, your insulin will even out and you won’t be cringing everytime your kid has a sweet just wanting to steal a bite!!!

Fun fact; when your body is craving sweets your body is actually lacking magnesium. Try to snack on these healthier alternatives: Raw nuts and seeds, or fruits(try to stick to low sugar fruits like melons and berries)

Getting back on track can be hard but remember how good you feel when your eating clean! Cheating during the holidays is almost a necessity (we are all human) just don’t let it be a downhill progress, get back to clean eating and feeling healthier, happier and leaner!

Wings are one of my favorite meals! We end up destroying these for dinner,(leftovers rarely happen) Eggplant is also a great alternative to French fries. No they taste nothing like french fries but they still are delicious! Especially with some Curry dipping sauce!


Chicken Wings — I personally don’t use the BBQ sauce at the end. The rub gives it so much flavor itself. I also Broil them for 5 minutes after they bake so they have a nice crisp to them!
Eggplant fries
Curry dipping sauce–
**1/2 cup Just Mayo
** 2 tsp curry (add tsp at a time based on taste preference)
Stir together and wala!!

Chia Seed pudding is a great alternative to cookies and chocolate. I love it for my dessert, especially when I am craving something sweet it really hits the spot!!


*4 Tbsp chia seeds
*2 tsp vanilla
*2 Tbsp honey
* 3/4 cup almond milk
***mix all together seal in air tight container and refrigerate overnight or at least 6 hours!**** Amazingggg
I also like to throw some berries on top!

Hope you enjoy these recipes! Remember it takes about 3 days for your body to stop craving sweets! Say NO to refined sugars!

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