Ground Turkey Sweet Potato “Skillet”

I had to double up this recipe because I had guests over. Since I had such big quantities I had to put mine in two separate skillets then mix together at the end. I will be giving you the downgraded recipe for everyone convenience! 2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil 1 lbs extra-lean ground turkey 1…

Sweet Garlic Crockpot Chicken

Best thing about crockpot recipes they are short sweet and amazing! This recipe originally called for Lemon Lime Soda for the sugar base and brown sugar. I made some substitutes to make this a healthy delicious Paleo recipe! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!! 4 chicken breasts 1/2 cup Coconut Sugar 1/4…

HIIT your A$$ into gear!

Exercise… it can be a very intimidating thing for most people. Everyone wants to improve their bodies in some way, whether its losing weight, gaining muscle or just getting stronger. We all look at theses super fit people and think “Well they live at the gym…that’s why they look like that. I don’t have 2…

Tis’ the Season To EAT

As the holidays are getting closer we are all crazy busy; buying gifts, wrapping gifts, grocery shopping, baking, and getting ready for the annual family chaos!!! Tis’ the season for all of our stress levels to sky rocket! I don’t know about you but who has time to sit and make a 5 course meal…