Chicken wangggs and Eggplant fries

With the holidays coming to an end and finally all the sweets out of my house (The cookie monster is my alter-ego) we are now fighting these cravings all over again!! Just remember they will pass, your insulin will even out and you won’t be cringing everytime your kid has a sweet just wanting to…

Chicken wangggs and Eggplant fries

With the holidays coming to an end and finally all the sweets out of my house (The cookie monster is my alter-ego) we are now fighting these cravings all over again!! Just remember they will pass, your insulin will even out and you won’t be cringing everytime your kid has a sweet just wanting to…

A Baby’s First Christmas

This year was my son’s 1st Christmas and my first Christmas being a mom. I now know what its like to be chop liver when you walk into a room. There is no more “Shana how’s this or Shana hows’s that?!” and honestly i can say Thank you Hudson for taking all the heat this…

HIIT your A$$ into gear!

Exercise… it can be a very intimidating thing for most people. Everyone wants to improve their bodies in some way, whether its losing weight, gaining muscle or just getting stronger. We all look at theses super fit people and think “Well they live at the gym…that’s why they look like that. I don’t have 2…

Tis’ the Season To EAT

As the holidays are getting closer we are all crazy busy; buying gifts, wrapping gifts, grocery shopping, baking, and getting ready for the annual family chaos!!! Tis’ the season for all of our stress levels to sky rocket! I don’t know about you but who has time to sit and make a 5 course meal…

Starting my new journey

Hello everyone! Thanks for checking into my new blog! I will be featuring my everyday chaotic life of juggling being a new-stay at home mom & part time hairdresser. There will be a little bit of everything here, from recipes, workouts, herbal remedies, product reviews, activities for children, funny stories and strong opinions. I am…